I'm just not convinced that the idealistic philosophies of Communism and Fascism is what's at issue. I think as far as popular psyche is concerned, fascism and Hitler are inseparable. So I'm not convinced that it is a bias towards communism as opposed to fascism.
But if we assume you're right... that it is a fascism/communism dichotomy, as far as a storytelling is concerned, communists are more sympathetic figures. An objective observer can look at a communist, see that their philosophy and methods are flawed, but that their motives (viva trabajaradoras: long live workers? I don't even know if "trabajadoras" is a word) are noble. Whereas I don't even know what fascists motives are. Selfish? Keep our society pure? Kill the darkies? I could be wrong, but I always thought fascism was marked by xenophobia and nationalism. Who is sympathetic to that other than racists? An objective observer se s that as a flawed philosophy and DEFINITELY flawed methods, but it's misguided by what? Cynical hatred. Blechhh.
Although without seeing Valkyrie, I know there were a lot of high ranking generals in Germany involved/ sympathetic to the plot to kill Hitler. There were generals were plotting to overthrow Hitler when he invaded Poland. Had the British not appeased Hitler in Czechoslovakia, Hitlers generals were prepared to stage a coup. In that light, fascists can seem more reasonable. But I think that probably has more to do with Western bias. The general's calculus was specifically to surrender to the allies to avoid the Russians.
I know I'm conflating Hitler and fascism- but I honestly don't think they can be decoupled, as far as movies and the general population can be concerned. Italy ans Spain were the other two fascist countries. Italy was innept and Spain sort of was too.
Anyway, I think I'm done with this.